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Why Critical Thinking and Writing Skills are More Important Than Ever

Aley holds a BA in English and a minor in philosophy from Le Moyne College and an MA in English from Syracuse University. They are currently a PhD Candidate in English at Syracuse University.

English Language Arts classes aren’t just about grammar and spelling — they teach some of the most crucial skills that students will use for the rest of their lives. While grammar and spelling have their place as useful tools for interpreting and communicating, they are part of the much more robust skillset that comes from learning critical thinking and analytic writing. This skillset has five very important benefits for today’s high school students.  

1. They will be better prepared for college

Every college student will encounter critical writing assignments and use their analytic skills — and not just in first-year composition classes. Learning interpretive reading and writing now will later help students to understand course materials, collaborate on group projects, and write reports in both STEM classes and humanities and arts classes. Good analytic writing skills can also help students earn scholarships, internships, and membership in honor and professional societies.

2. They will be better prepared for careers

Survey after survey shows that employers want to hire people with the so-called “soft skills” that come from interpretive reading and analytic writing: critical thinking, listening, communicating, and attention to detail. Even applying for a job requires those important thinking and writing skills: interpreting a job posting, organizing a cover letter, and framing one’s skills and experience to respond to the employer’s needs and desires. The earlier that a student works on refining their critical thinking and writing, the further ahead they will be when they enter the workforce — no matter what their major is.

3. They will be better global citizens

In today’s rapidly changing media landscape, critical thinking skills are more important than ever. The skills that students learn in researching and analyzing texts for class will help them to evaluate media sources and recognize bias in the world. Being able to make informed judgments about information will help students to understand major issues that are important to them and their communities — and be more compassionate to themselves and others.

 4. They will be better communicators

Those “soft skills” that employers want are good for so much more than the workplace. Critical thinking and writing are instrumental to effective communication with friends, family, mentors, and peers. Good analytic skills are also important for resolving conflict. They help students understand the cause of misunderstandings, recognize unfair treatment, and identify solutions. Good communication skills will enable students to state their needs clearly and persuasively.

5. They will be a more engaged audience

Not only will critical thinking help students make more informed decisions as consumers, but analytical reading and writing skills can also lead to more enjoyable reading and viewing experiences. Close reading novels, analyzing film scenes, and interpreting song lyrics offer a richer engagement with the media that we consume. Those analytical skills enable us to notice details and understand their significance. From that recognition comes the pleasure of discovery. Recognizing and appreciating cleverly crafted media can in turn spark students’ creativity and encourage them to imagine their own interpretive art into existence. This experience is something they will take with them no matter what they do in life.

The high school English classroom is very important for teaching these valuable interpretative tools. But, many students (especially during periods of distance learning) benefit from practicing and honing them with a one-on-one tutor. When working with a tutor one-on-one, students are able to move beyond the rules taught in class and can begin applying them in a more thoughtful, sustained way that will further unlock the full benefits that accompany learning critical thinking and writing skills. As students move through their final high school years and look ahead to college, it’s especially important now more so than ever to prevent “COVID-19 slide” and ensure they’ve perfected the fundamental skills of critical thinking and writing.