Tutor Corps Online: We’re wherever you are, whenever you need us


In the early days of Tutor Corps (circa 2002!), our founder, Jesse Roselin, began this company when he recognized the emerging need for in-home tutors in the San Francisco Bay Area. He loaded his backpack, notebooks, and textbooks into his trusty 1986 Ford Escortand drove to his students’ homes. He’d sit side-by-side with them and coach them through their homework, embodying the role of both mentor and tutor. One-on-one in-home tutoring has been our bread and butter since then and we love it; our students unlock amazing levels of success and our tutors feel incredibly fulfilled by the relationships they are able to form with students.


Things have changed quite a bit since 2002, though. For one, we’ve expanded rapidly. Jesse’s team now includes six administrative staff members and over 150 tutors across the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, and beyond. For two, tech has revolutionized everything about the learning process. Most students these days have their own smartphones. The majority of families own their own computers and laptops and teachers submit grades and assignments through online portals.

With this technological shift, one-on-one tutoring has evolved, as well. More and more students need greater flexibility as their hectic schedules and more advanced coursework require more frequent check ins. They often require assistance navigating their online portals for school. They would greatly benefit from help setting digital reminders for themselves in their phones. They also need advice on how to unplug and focus. It seems only fitting that the type of tutoring that best fits these needs has shifted, too. While Tutor Corps is pleased to continue to offer in-home one-on-one tutoring, it is with excitement that we’ve begun offering a new service: online tutoring.  


With online tutoring, students still get access to what has always worked so well with in-home tutoring: amazing mentors who can build meaningful relationships and help students unlock their full potential. Now, those tutors can be more easily available wherever and whenever students need them! Is your child often traveling for sports? Do you vacation as a family? No problem! Your child’s tutor is a click away. With online tutoring, Tutor Corps adapts its services to the ever-changing tech landscape in which it first found its feet. Now, we can also offer our services to families outside of the Bay Area and L.A. Further, we can now recruit the best-of-the-best tutors from all over the country! Our tutoring ranks now include expert educators from Chicago, Boston, Portland, Southern California, and New York. 

People sometimes ask: what’s the difference between in-person and online tutoring? To them, I always say: virtually nothing. It has been empirically proven that there is no significant difference in the results between in person and online tutoring. In fact, students with online tutors gain digital literacy and improve their ability to express themselves in writing. The number one factor in tutoring success (in person or online) is the selection of a fantastic tutor with superior communication skills. In this arena, Tutor Corps thrives. We rigorously hire the most competent, warm, and engaging instructors. Their students’ success directly results from their ability to encourage discussion, promote reflection, and provide emotional support. With more accessible online check ins and full-length sessions, the opportunities for this type of mentorship are ten-fold. 

Jesse’s days of personally zipping around the bay might be behind us, but the future (like our students!) is bright!
