Test Preparation
Our one-on-one standardized test preparation provides students with both the strategy and critical content they need to increase confidence and boost scores.
The Tests We Teach
Tutor Corps provides one-on-one standardized test preparation to support students preparing for the SAT and ACT, all levels of the ISEE and SSAT, and the HSPT. We also provide both subject and test preparation support for AP-level courses and SAT IIs.
Our courses include lessons on the following:
About the test
General test-taking strategy
Section-specific strategy
Question-specific strategy
Section-specific critical content
Mindful test-taking techniques
Test preparedness
Our tutors assign timed assessments throughout each course and at least one full-length practice test.
We generally recommend students sign up for at least 15 hours of one-on-one lessons spread out over two or three months to achieve the best results.
We offer diagnostic tests upon request.
We recommend a set of two books: one directly from the test-maker for practice questions and one as a resource for strategy support.
Want to Learn More?
Fill out our consultation request form today and a member of our leadership team will get back to you shortly.