Social and Emotional Learning

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which we learn about and develop key emotional and social skills. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Recognizing, responding to, and managing emotions

  • Developing empathy to care for self, friends and family, & the greater community

At Tutor Corps, we firmly believe in supporting the entire student. What this means is, we don’t just focus on academics in our session. Our tutors naturally integrate social and emotional learning within each session. Each tutor works to get to know the student authentically so that they can fully support them to meet their goals.

This school year, our tutors are utilizing Great Good in Education within their sessions. This is a research-based SEL curriculum rooted in science. It is run by UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center (GGSC). From their website, “The GGSC studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society--what we call ‘the science of a meaningful life.’" Their work directly benefits each of our students, regardless of age or grade level.

Our tutors use GGSC’s recommendations to integrate character education, mindfulness, and numerous specific SEL topics such as empathy, gratitude, and growth mindset into everyday class sessions. Whether a student is a Kindergartner or a senior in high school, our tutors develop strong routines that support them holistically.

To learn more about how we customize tutoring sessions, request a complimentary consultation.