The Leaderships Team... As Kids!

As the Tutor Corps and Pacific Preparatory leadership team, we spend countless hours collaborating with each other around how to best meet the needs of our students and families and how to best support our tutors and teachers. Truly, we often feel like we spend more time talking to each other than we do with most people outside of our own families.

We believe in the importance of approaching each child at a holistic level and customizing the curriculum and instruction to meet their needs. Our philosophy is guided by our positions as educators, administrators, and parents. So that we always remember to keep our approach centered on the experience of the child, we strive to also remember that beyond our other roles, we were also once children and students ourselves.

While exploring this mindset, we recently shared childhood photos with the rest of the team and the results were just too cute not to share here. So, to that end, see below for the Tutor Corps staff, at the same ages as some of the children we serve and warning… cuteness overload!

Jesse Roselin, CEO and Founder, at age 3

Jesse Roselin, CEO of Tutor Corps, at age 3.

Kathy Pahel, Tutor Services Manager, at age 2


Melissa Funk, Education Director, at age 5


Anna Schell, Chief Strategy Officer, at age 9


Staci Stutsman, Tutor Services Director, age 6 (Staci’s on the left)


Liz Argento, Education Manager, age 13


Mel Nichols, Chief Operating Officer, age 5 (Mel’s on the left)
