Why Online Tutoring?
Families choose online tutoring with Tutor Corps because it provides:
Flexible support from expert tutors
Access to a wider network of tutors
The ability to schedule more frequent check-ins throughout the week
The ability to schedule additional sessions around deadlines and tests
Reliability that offers consistency as students navigate Covid-related school closures
Support while traveling
Thoroughly-vetted best practices for collaborative online learning
Live 1:1 Tutor Support
Tutors meet with students for live, 1:1 sessions and are able to give instant, real-time feedback and support.
Trained Tutors
We provide specialized training for our tutors to optimize online sessions by using both physical and digital resources.
Easy Tech
With a click of a button, students enter the tutoring sessions and begin learning.
If your child is struggling with online learning and digital organization, consider enrolling in our four-session course.
Study skills course
Want to Learn More?
Fill out our consultation request form today and a member of our leadership team will get back to you shortly.