How to Scaffold an Essay

Essay writing is a skill all students eventually need to know. There are a number of different essay “types,” but all of them require a similar process. Here are a few of the essay types a student might encounter throughout their studies:

  • Narrative

  • Descriptive

  • Expository

  • Argumentative

Below we have outlined a few ways to approach an essay assignment from our English tutor experts!

The better prepared a student is for a tutoring session, the more effective the session will be.

Chunk it out

  • Essays are overwhelming! Help them feel more manageable by breaking each step into a mini-lesson

  • Remember to take stretch breaks and/or brain breaks

  • Use your student's interests when modeling each concept

Don't Skip the Prewriting Activities

  • Annotate the prompt- create a clear roadmap of how you will respond

  • Create a "parking lot" of compiled evidence- the more evidence, the better!

  • Color code your outline

Writing the Essay

  • Draft the thesis

  • Start with the body paragraphs

  • Write an inspiring introduction

  • End with a strong conclusion

It can be helpful for the student & tutor to share a copy of the book if available.

Writing Resources


Essay writing is an important skill that every student should learn to master by the time they’re entering college. The approaches outlined above are a great place to start. And of course, the best way to improve essay writing skills is to practice!