Ten Reasons to Sign Up for Summer Courses with Tutor Corps

Summer is a great time for students to pursue academic remediation or independent study interests without the pressure of a full course load. That’s why we’re recommending families consider signing up for one or more of our summer course options at Tutor Corps. These courses are not for credit, which means they don’t come with any hours requirements and since they’re one-on-one they can be individualized to fit the needs of each student.

We’ve outlined ten reasons below why you should consider signing up your kids for summer courses with Tutor Corps, but you can always contact us if you’re still unsure.

Summer academics may help prevent learning loss.
  1. Low-Pressure Learning

    One of the reasons we’re offering summer coursework through Tutor Corps (in addition to our one-on-one school, Pacific Preparatory) is because we want options for students that will be lower pressure than a full class with grades and other assessment measures. Our coursework through Tutor Corps is low-pressure, requires fewer hours than a full course through Pacific Preparatory, and allows students to learn for the sake of learning. Courses can be customized to engage students in topics they’re already interested in learning more about, providing an opportunity for them to fully immerse themselves in the learning process.

  2. Get Ahead

    Students who are already strong in certain academic areas can hone their skills and get ahead in subjects like math and English. Students in middle school may want to take the booster to increase their chances of placing into a higher-level math class. Also, students anticipating a hard load of classes in the fall may want to get ahead in order to hit-the-ground-running when the new school year starts.

  3. Meet a Mentor

    One of the best parts about meeting one-on-one with a tutor is building an important mentoring relationship that can last for years. Summer is a great time to build rapport with an ongoing tutor before the school year begins. Then come fall, if students want to continue with a tutor, they will already have a trusted “go-to” mentor for support.

  4. Inspire an Extracurricular

    Summer is a great time for students to take their extracurricular interests to the next level. For example, a student who likes to write fiction may want to meet with a tutor over the summer in order to write a novel or short story that they want to hone in order to submit for eventual publication.

  5. Get Organized Before Fall

    Our study skills curriculum (including our digital study skills booster) provides students with the scaffolding they need to thrive in the fall. Students needing support with executive functioning skills will especially appreciate lessons on ed tech and other resources they can practice using in order to help with time management, organization, calendaring, test-taking, memorization, and other important skills they’ll need to succeed academically.

Practicing with old quizzes and exams can be a good way to prep for final exams.

Practicing with old quizzes and exams can be a good way to prep for final exams.

6. Habit-Breaking & Forming

Habits take minimally three weeks to form or break, and in the meantime, the process of learning or breaking a new habit can be difficult, especially in the midst of a busy school year. During the summer months, kids can take the time they need to form new habits (such as meeting with a tutor once per week) or break old ones.

7. Learn a Language

We’re offering three exciting language classes this summer through Tutor Corps, including ASL, French, and Spanish. We may have other language options as well, depending on teacher availability — it never hurts to ask! Learning a language is a great way to stay sharp over the summer and have fun in the process. Plus, students can prep for upcoming vacations or trips they might be planning with the family.

8. Remediate Learning Loss

For students who may be suffering academically as a result of the “Covid-slide,” this summer, in particular, offers an excellent opportunity to remediate math and English skills before heading into the new school year. The one-on-one format of our coursework is particularly effective for bringing kids up to speed, and we provide diagnostic assessments upon request to individualize coursework and fill specific gaps as needed.

9. Prevent Boredom and Brain Drain

If you’re looking down the barrel of a long summer without any planned activities, adding in a course with Tutor Corps can provide some scaffolding, and teachers can assign extra independent work that students can complete on their own.

10. Fun!

Students might be surprised to learn how much fun our classes can be. Our teachers provide dynamic, engaging lessons that emphasize hands-on projects. They’re motivated to leverage student interests and make the time together as fun as possible.

Have questions or want to learn more about our summer courses? Reach out to us at info@tutorcorps.com.