Virtual Summer Activities Guide 2021

One of the silver linings of the Covid pandemic is the proliferation of great online activities now available to kids all over the globe. Below, we’ve provided a round-up of opportunities we found both in the form of summer camps, internships, volunteering, and other ways kids can engage with other kids online.

Of course, at the top of our list is virtual summer course options at Tutor Corps. These courses are not for credit, which means they don’t come with any hours requirements and since they’re one-on-one they can be individualized to fit the needs of each student. Please contact us if want to sign up or learn more.

Summer academics may help prevent learning loss.
This year there are a lot of new online opportunities for kids to consider for summer.

This year there are a lot of new online opportunities for kids to consider for summer.

Coding Camps:

General Lists From Other Sources:

Resources for Finding Activity Options:

Have questions or want to learn more about our summer courses? Reach out to us at