How Tutoring Can Support Distance Learning

Distance learning works for some kids and not for others. Tutoring is an effective way to supplement online school for kids who aren’t thriving with the format and may require additional one-on-one support to stay engaged in learning. Here are some reasons why tutoring is beneficial as supplement:

The better prepared a student is for a tutoring session, the more effective the session will be.

Mentorship helps students stay grounded

Grounding (the mental exercise, not the punishment) is commonly practiced by adults in our own daily lives. We take grounding breaths, set aside yoga time, and even have tactile tools like sensory strips to help us work through our tension and anxiety. 

Children can also benefit from grounding practices. If this past year was stressful for you, you can bet that your child also felt similar stress. For children who struggle with breathing exercises and object focus, having a non-parent mentor to meet with at a set time each day can help them focus their thoughts, feel in control, and work through their mental challenges.


Tutors can help students build confidence with homework completion

A child’s relationship with homework can often make or break how they feel about learning throughout their life. If they aren’t connecting with their assignments, or even worse, if they’re avoiding their assignments altogether, they might benefit from assignment restructuring.

Keeping homework fun is a great way to help children enjoy it, but if they feel it is too consistently tricky, it could make learning difficult if they struggle with that particular subject.

Employing the help of a tutor can not only help your child excel in a subject, but it may help them learn to love it. Children have various learning styles and (like adults) aren’t always receptive to the way things are taught. A tutor can adapt their support to fit your child’s learning needs, style, and ability, allowing them to better grasp (and ideally enjoy) the subject in a new way.

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Improves performance in a single subject

Tutors are experts at finding ways to help kids engage with their class material rather than just memorize it. Additionally, they can help children find the best way to learn and retain the material. 

If a child struggles in a particular subject, it is worth discussing with their teacher to better understand how the material is taught. From there, you, your child, and your tutor can make a plan to supplement the teaching in a novel way.

Tutors can make an “easy” class more challenging and enriching

Some children excel in school settings and may find that typical learning is not challenging enough for them. Additionally, schools may struggle to find alternatives for students who need to be challenged. To some of us, naturally excelling in school might sound like a benefit, but it can make school dull and frustrating for children.

Tutor Corps tutors are uniquely interested in providing learning options to students. We offer typical class support and have tutors with the ability to teach focused areas in each subject -- like biology, poetry, or another independent study. 



When distance learning is rapidly becoming the new norm, it helps to have educators and support staff who understand how to teach students in the digital age effectively. Tutor Corps’ approach to distance learning has been shown to make a difference in students’ lives. If you’re committed to distance learning throughout the remainder of the pandemic, supplemental tutoring might be the answer to the issues many of us have faced over the past year.

For more information, reach out to us at