How the Pomodoro Technique Can Help You Get Things Done

The Pomodoro Technique is a great strategy for anyone who struggles with executive functioning skills, time management, attention difficulties, or procrastination. It’s a method of organizing your time into concentrated sprints of work with periodic breaks. It’s designed to help you stay focused and get things done, and it works!

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Top Tech Tools To Help Students Stay Organized In 2022

It’s hard enough to stay organized as an adult – someone who has grown used to organizing their day. Children, whose brains are still forming and are new to the organization game, can have an even trickier time organizing tasks like homework and projects. Luckily, as technology has advanced to a point where digital classrooms are becoming more and more prevalent, so too have tools for helping students stay organized.

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Gratitude and Giving at the Tutor Corps Foundation

At the Tutor Corps Foundation, our affiliate nonprofit organization, we have a lot to be grateful for this year. We are grateful for our Community Service Grant winners (Ella, Rowan, Sophie, and Zander), who have constructed Little Free Libraries in their communities to share the love of reading. We are grateful for teachers everywhere, but especially our Teacher of the Year winner, Leticia, a 3rd grade teacher committed to social justice. We are grateful for all of our scholarship tutors (Clare, Julian, Lenessa, Lili, Lupe, Robert, and William), who make room in their schedules every week to work with our amazing scholarship students. We are grateful for the families and mentors who advocated for their students and helped them receive the support they deserve. And, of course: we are grateful for our scholarship students, who show up consistently, ready to work hard and ready to achieve. Thank you for entrusting us with your education.

But of course, none of this would be possible without the generous support of our donors, who give what they can in order to spread the love of learning and help students achieve. Our scholarship students, low-income students throughout the SF Bay Area, are able to unlock the benefits of 1:1 mentorship thanks to your generous donations. As you plan your holiday giving, consider donating to the Tutor Corps Foundation. For just $25, you can sponsor a single tutoring session. $100 funds an additional month of tutoring, and $400 allows us to sponsor an entire semester. Whatever amount you can give, know that it will go directly to supporting students and teachers as the Tutor Corps staff donates their time to the foundation. To learn more and donate, visit the Foundation’s website. We are infinitely grateful that you’re a part of our community and for any support you’re able to give.

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Benefits of Online Tutoring

At Tutor Corps, we combine customized content, personalized learning strategies, and compassionate mentorship to help students understand not only what they need to know, but how to learn. Our approach includes a mix of content support, study skills development and mentorship, all delivered live and 1:1.

According to Brown University, emerging evidence indicates that virtual tutoring is just as effective as in person tutoring, and students and tutors have greater flexibility within the virtual setting.

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The Tutor Corps Foundation’s Philanthropic Model: Inspiring a love of learning, and creating a love of giving

This year, the Tutor Corps Foundation did a little something different with our Community Services Grants. With COVID, it’s been harder to safely connect with others in our local communities. But, it’s also more important than ever to explore ways to give back to your community. With this in mind, we launched the Little Free Library program. With the Little Free Library, four grant winners received a kit to build a Little Free Library in their communities, a starter kit of suggested books, access to marketing materials and a book recommendation guide, and the opportunity to meet with our founder Jesse Roselin.

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